01. May 2011 · Comments Off on Using the CLI and other Linux Tips · Categories: Command-line Tools, Linux · Tags: Shells/CLI
Last updated on 03/28/2019

Joshua Price regularly contributes useful, easy-to-understand information on Linux at MakeTechEasier.com. His articles should be of interest to all Linux users, regardless of experience level. Below are the links to some of his useful and interesting Linux-related articles at MakeTechEasier.com. Be sure to check out his other Linux-related articles there as well.

Bash command-line

Become an APT guru

Beginner’s Guide to Git

Mastering the Bash History

8 Useful and Interesting Bash Prompts

More Useful and Interesting Bash Prompts 

The Beginner Guide to Writing Linux Shell Scripts

Making The Linux Command Line A Little Friendlier

From Noob to Ninja – Your Guide to Mastering Linux

How to Multitask at the Linux Command Line with Screen


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