13. June 2014 · Comments Off on Disable the Splash Screen for Independently Installed PortableApps · Categories: TechBits · Tags: Portable Apps, Windows
Last updated on 11/17/2015

splashConvertallPortableApps.com provides free and open source portable SW that can be downloaded and run separately from the PortableApps.com Platform™ management system. When launching apps independently from the platform, the splash screen can be annoying. Although an option exists to  disable the splash screen from the PortableApps.com Platform’s™ “Advanced Preferences”, this doesn’t apply to independent apps not using this platform. Thankfully, this is easily fixed by modifying a single file.

How to disable the splash screen for your application

  • Open the application’s folder and drill down to the /Other/Source directory.
  • In the Source directory open AppNamePortable.ini with a text editor. In some cases an .ini file already exists with the application’s name in this directory. In any case, there will only be one .ini file in this directory. Open this file and go to the next step.
  • Change the line DisableSplashScreen=false to DisableSplashScreen=true (see screenshot below. Click to enlarge).
  • Use “save as” to save the file with the name of the application and the .ini extension (e.g., ConvertAllPortable.ini).
  • Close the text editor and copy or move this file to the application’s main directory.

screen shot of disable splash

That’s it. The .ini file will override the default configuration when starting the application. There should be a noticeable difference in how quickly the application starts. If you still have a splash screen, make sure that the .ini file just moved to the application’s main directory is correctly named. For example, if the application name is ConvertAllPortable.exe, the .ini file should be ConvertAllPortable.ini.


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