@echo off Title zip_listfile.bat REM updated 02/09/2018 REM Using a listfile to zip files with 7zip and/or IZarc. Default set to 7-Zip REM standalone console version. Change file paths as needed. REM mylistfile.txt may contain paths for both directories and individual files. Setlocal Enableextensions Setlocal Enabledelayedexpansion REM Set the path for the 7-Zip standalone console version or the command-line utility for IZArc set path="F:\Utilities\7Zip_or_IZarcCommandLine\";%path% REM 7-Zip using @listfile, scs switch set to WIN 7za a -tzip "C:\yourfolder\archives\7zip_archive.zip" @"C:\dirA\mylistfile.txt" -scsWIN REM izarcc using @list REM Remove REM comments below to use IZArc REM izarcc -a -r -p -cx "C:\yourfolder\archives\izarc_archive.zip" ^ REM @"C:\dirB\mylistfile.txt" pause REM --------------------------- exit ----------------------------------------- :end EXIT /B 0