@echo off REM uncompress_rar.bat REM This uncompresses .rar archives in a folder specified by the user, extracts files to the extracted folder and moves the processed archive to the completed folder setlocal REM Specify the folder to uncompress below: REM -------------------------------- Compressed file folder_---------------------------- set dirA=C:\folder_to_uncompress REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REM Specify the extracted files folder below: REM -------------------------------- Folder to extract to------------------------------- set dirE=C:\Extractedfiles\ REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REM Specify where to move processed archives below. This folder must exist: REM -------------------------------- Processed folder----------------------------------- set dirC=C:\Processed\ REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REM change to directory cd %dirA% REM Path to WinRAR executable in Program Files set path="C:\Program Files\WinRAR\";%path% echo. echo All files in %dirA% to be uncompressed echo. echo. FOR %%i IN (*.rar) do ( unrar e "%%~ni.rar" "%dirE%" move "%%~ni.rar" "%dirC%" echo completed uncompressing "%%i" and moved archives or archive to "%dirC%" ) goto eof :eof endlocal echo. echo "Task Completed" echo. @pause